The world is moving at a very fast pace lately. The legal framework is changing, technology is advancing, markets are extremely dynamic. All this requires from all companies the employment of ever new experts in various fields.

If you need expert support, but do not want to engage with employment of a new colleague, the service “Virtual Expert” is suitable for you. Our virtual experts are not consultants, they are doers. You will not only be advised how to do the job, the job will be done.

The benefits for you are:

  • Qualified support
    The virtual expert is qualified in the respective field and has experience in it;
  • You do not have to buy office equipment and software
    The virtual expert is fully equipped with the necessary hardware and specialized software;
  • You do not have to provide a working space
    The virtual expert has a fully equipped office;
  • You do not have to pay social security and health insurance
    The virtual expert is employed by AVS Bulgaria and is adequately insured;
  • You decrease your risk and expenses
    You will pay to your virtual expert only for the work done and the work will be the one you need;
  • Focus
    While your virtual expert focuses on the required tasks, you may focus on more important things in business and life;
  • Always available
    Using the service “Virtual Expert” of AVS Bulgaria you receive one dedicated expert, one project manager and a reserve virtual expert in the same field of expertise. Thus you may always depend on the expert support which you need, no matter what;
  • Easy to budget
    Using a virtual expert you may easily define and limit the expenses for the respective service up to the budget which has been planned by you for this particular activity – daily, monthly or annually.

The virtual experts, which we have, have been suggested by the needs of our clients. Further we use the best partners available on the Bulgarian market where such are necessary. In AVS Bulgaria we have experts in all fields which companies most often use outsourcing of their business processes /in alphabetical order/:

The service “Virtual Expert” is suitable for:

  • SME which need administration and expert support to help them focus on their main business;
  • Companies /large and small/, which need expert support in some of our fields of expertise;
  • Busy managers and freelancers who need some expert support for the service of their clients, partners and … friends.

The price for the service of your virtual expert /if not included in some of our subscription packages/ is determined by the required expertise, the time needed for the job as well as any additional resources necessary /if applicable/.

Your may use our subscription package „Virtual Company”, where a “Virtual Expert” of your choice /from the list above/ is included along with some other useful services. Or, if you have some more specific requirements – please send us your inquiry.

Send us a quick inquiry